Jack Baxter
Jack Baxter je newyorský filmař a novinář na volné noze. Napsal, produkoval a režíroval kontroverzní a kritikou uznávaný film Bratr ministr: atentát na Malcolma X (Brother Minister: The Assassination of Malcolm X). Se svou ženou Fran Strauss-Baxterovou jsou koproducenty snímku Blues na pláži (Blues by the Beach), jenž získal několik významných ocenění.
Na fotce jsou Jack Baxter, vlevo, a Joshua Faudem, vpravo.
"My hope is that MIKE'S PLACE reaches a worldwide audience, and that its story of fate and survival and love transcend the barriers that keep peoples apart."
“I wanted to write a firsthand account based on my experience of an infamous suicide bombing and through it show the convergence of personal stories of survival with historical events. My hope is that readers of ‘Mike’s Place’ can have a better understanding of the modern-day Middle East and the nature and ramifications of international terrorism.”
Jack Baxter
New York City